Set of 1 Gallon Activator and 1 Gallon Base
HabiStat™ Activator / HabiStat™ Base 1000 are the components of a two-part ultra concentrated precursor formulation needed to create HabiStat™ Concentrate.
Acepsis HabiStat is an ultra-concentrated base and activator disinfectant solution. Once mixed, it produces chlorine dioxide instantly. Chlorine dioxide is a powerful facility cleaning and hygiene agent. This highly effective oxidization disinfectant provides quick decontamination at the lowest concentration levels. Developed specifically to aid in control of disease-causing organisms in a variety of animal housing. Ideal for use when cleaning calf feeding equipment, utensils, general supplies and hygiene procedures; cleaning maternity/calving areas, calf pens or hutches, floors, walls and livestock trailers and environmental fogging
• Liquid activator and base allow you to instantly produce chlorine dioxide on-site to remove most troubling hygiene problems.
• Aid in control of disease-causing organisms in a broad range of animal housing and raising.
• Helps reduce the spread infectious organisms from one herd or flock to another when properly used as part of a biosecurity protocol.
• Improves facility hygiene by thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting.