The round and square bales spreader spreads up to 8 meters away. It fits telescopic handlers, front loaders and rear linkage of tractors.
How It Works
Type of bales:
- Round bales: up to Ø 1.80m
- Square bales: up to 1.20m x (0.70/0.90/1.20m) x 2.55m
The bale is loaded using the pallet forks on the machinery handler.
2 options:
- Hitching with pallets forks for side spreading
- Hitching with a welded rear 3 pt hitch or with a bolted adaptation for front spreading
Thanks to the push-off system (square bales) or the conveyor chain (round and square bales) the bale is driven onto the spreading rotors. The round and square bales spreader spreads up to 8 meters away.
2 models:
- For square bales: push-off system
- For square and round bales: conveyor chain
Available Options
- Hay deflector
- Electric selector box
- Hydraulic supply for front right spreading
The Emily Advantages
- Exclusivity: the push-off system with slats ensures a constant and fast spreading (unique on the market).
- Side or front spreading: sleeves for pallet forks.
- Sturdiness: reinforced bucket sides.
- Performance: optimized and constant straw spreading (no waste and higher precision of straw spreading orientation with manual flaps).
Size Options
Model | Weight (lg) |
Square bale spreader Type 180 | 1200 |
Square bale spreader type 250 | 1400 |
Square and round bale spreader type 180 | 1100 |
Square an round bale spreader type 250 | 1300 |